10 most delicious national cuisines in the world
Ukrainian cuisine was in the middle of the ranking.
Greek cuisine was recognized as the best in the world in 2024, thus displacing the long-time leader, Italy, from first place.
According to the latest TasteAtlas rating, based on more than 477 thousand reviews of almost 15.5 thousand dishes in its database, this year Greek cuisine scored 4.6 out of 5 points – this is slightly lower than a year earlier, but still enough for to become a leader. Last year, Greek cuisine took third place, and the year before – second.
In particular, experts advise trying dishes in Greece such as olive oil, pistachios, caramel cheese “graviera”, pork kontosouvli, cheese appetizer “saganaki”, paidakia from lamb legs and much more.
Meanwhile, the winner in the past and…