will no longer leak — Miscellaneous
Pies with berries, jam, jam may fail if the filling is too thin and the dough does not stick together well.
There can be many reasons for the filling to leak out of pies, as well as ways to solve this problem. Here are some ways to secure the pies so that the filling does not leak out. There are also methods for thickening the filling.
Let the dough “stand”
After you have rolled out the dough, give it time to set. Then it will be able to return from a stretched state to a relaxed one. And no matter how much filling you put, the pies will definitely not fall apart, and the delicious berries will not leak out.
Use water
How to fasten the pies so that the filling does not leak out? There is one simple but very effective method. Try to brush the edges of the dough with water. Also, when spreading the filling, always leave enough space around the edges to seal them. Before…