The New Year's show-fairy tale from the Magic Brothers illusionists will gather in the capital's Palace of Sports
This year, on December 28 and 29, the Palace of Sports in Kyiv will host a grand New Year's event for the whole family – the festive show “Kings of Magic Save the New Year”.
Illusionists from the Magic Brothers, the Tomaszewski brothers, together with Saint Nicholas, will confront the insidious villain and save the New Year's miracle. In the fight against evil, the Kings of Magic will resort to spectacular tricks and magic that will not leave indifferent any child or adult, bright circus numbers with elements of aerial gymnastics, masterful illusion, original choreography, humor and conquer the element of fire. The role of St. Nicholas will be performed by one of the best tenors of Ukraine, Grammy nominee and winner of the Billboard award in the classical crossover genre Yuriy Godot. The opera singer is already known for his performances at the Real Opera and Carnegie Hall, as well as theaters in many capitals of the world.
Large-scale illusions…