
remedies for yellow leaves — Various

Tovstyanka (money tree) is one of the favorite indoor plants of many Ukrainians. It is easy to grow and requires minimal maintenance. But sometimes its leaves begin to turn yellow and fall.

Why do the leaves turn yellow and fall in the thickets

There can be several reasons, and therefore they should first be correctly identified in order to provide the plant with the necessary care:

  1. Natural — an adult money tree can shed old leaves to renew itself. At first it turns yellow, becomes sluggish, eventually falls off. This phenomenon is completely normal. The process usually occurs in the fall, although it can begin at any time of the year. If other parts of the plant are green and springy, don't worry.
  2. Sunburn — one of the most common reasons why tree crowns are yellow. Although the fat woman will love the light, however, direct sunlight causes serious burns to the plant. Ago…

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