Daily value of vitamin C. Nutritionist told what fruit everyone needs in winter – Nutrition
Do you love citrus fruits, but want variety? In addition to tangerines and oranges, you can buy something more original in stores for a long time. For example, a cannonball-like fruit pomeloSports.kz reports with reference to Rbc.ua.
“Daily value of vitamin C: a nutritionist told us what fruit everyone needs in winter,” reads the title of the publication on the Rbc.ua website.
It tastes a little like grapefruit, but sweeter, and the bitterness is less pronounced, especially if you peel it from the films.
Pomelo is actually the parent of grapefruit and one of the largest citrus fruits on Earth, nutritionist Anna Makarova said on her Instagram. She added that pomelo can cover the daily requirement of vitamin C.
What is this citrus good for?
Pomelo contains a large amount of vitamin C, just eat a few slices – and your daily requirement is…