you will be surprised by the answer – Different
Which hand should I brush my teeth with?
Everyone knows the importance of proper daily brushing, because proper brushing removes plaque in the oral cavity and prevents the destruction of tooth enamel.
How well we remove plaque from the teeth depends on what movements we make with the toothbrush. As recommended by dentists, the movements of the toothbrush should be vertical, as if sweeping bacteria from the gums to the cutting edge of the tooth. Begin by cleaning the inner surfaces of the upper and lower jaws, then proceed to the outer surfaces and finally to the chewing surfaces
As a rule, right-handed people use their right hand to perform this procedure, while shulgi brush their teeth with their left hand. Is this correct?
Which hand should you brush your teeth with?
In fact, there is no right or wrong hand for brushing. But some dentists…