Why are foil balls thrown into the washing machine – Miscellaneous
It turns out that aluminum foil can be used not only in the kitchen, but also thrown into the washing machine. Why do that?
Can you imagine getting out of the washing machine not only clean, but also less crumpled clothes? The main secret lies in simple aluminum foil balls. How do they work?
First of all, foil balls are added to the washing machine because of their antistatic effect. During washing, fabrics rub against each other, which creates a build-up of static electricity. When you later put on clothes after the machine, it causes unpleasant sensations, for example, dresses “stick” to stockings. It is with this problem that balls will help to cope.
Also, their use helps to significantly save on the purchase of special conditioners for laundry. Foil differs in that it softens fabrics, so after washing the whole…