sociologist named the main reasons why Ukrainians do not apply for subsidies – UNIAN
The specialist noted that social protection is waiting for Ukrainians, but they do not come for it.
In Ukraine, the state budget allocated significantly more funds for subsidies than was paid to citizens. Lyudmila Cherenko, head of the department for research on living standards of the population at the Institute of Demography and Social Research, told RBC-Ukraine.
“Everyone thought that in 2022-23 a large number of people would ask for help, much more than before. We thought that people would go for the same subsidies, for help for low-income families. But it turned out that these funds (from the budget – ed.) They just didn’t choose,” the specialist said.
She added that many vulnerable people have traveled abroad. Cherenko detailed that for mothers with children abroad, for example, there are much better…