
In Poland, parents put a 3-year-old child on a special diet – World

A criminal case was initiated against the parents.

In Poland, a child was hospitalized who was very hungry because his parents put him on a “special diet” based on fruit.

This is written by the Polish publication Onet.

Silvia Malkher-Novak, the press secretary of the hospital in Zelena Hura, said that the parents brought their three-year-old daughter to the medical institution in a state of severe hunger. Doctors immediately started rescue operations. The hospital representative added that the parents used the fruit diet they developed to feed the child.

As a result, a 3-year-old girl weighed 8 kg. The child was taken to the intensive care unit. Slow feeding and hydration of the child was introduced in the ward.

The district prosecutor's office in Svebodzyn took up the case.

In a conversation with journalists, the representative of the hospital clarified that the hospital staff was…

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