A man from Kropyvnytskyi will be tried for distributing child porn in Telegram: details — Ukraine
During the search of the suspect's house, law enforcement officers seized the phone from which he administered pornographic Telegram channels.
A local resident will be tried in Kropyvnytskyi, who, according to the investigation, kept and distributed child pornography through Telegram channels.
This was reported in the Kirovohrad Regional Prosecutor's Office.
In October, during the year, the resident of Kropyvnya administered several Telegram channels, filling them with pornographic materials with the participation of minors.
“Some of the channels were free, which could be joined freely, some channels with pornographic content were paid: access to pornographic photos and video materials was provided for a fee. Among these channels, child pornography was also posted. We are not talking about the creation of child pornography it is said, he only…