they attract misfortune, as if by a magnet – Miscellaneous
Even our grandparents followed these folk signs so as not to invite trouble into their home.
Quite often, we put a bunch of various objects on the windowsill, without even thinking about whether it is possible to do so. After all, according to folk customs and omens, some things should not be put or placed there, because you can cause a lot of problems.
What things should not be placed on the windowsill: they attract misfortune, as if by a magnet
- House keys. This is the worst omen of all, because it is believed that in this way you can attract trouble and lack of money to your home. Therefore, it is better to keep the keys in another place, it can be a special hook or a bedside table. So you won't lose them, and the energy of well-being will always reign in your home.
- Photos. The windowsill is not a place for books and photos. Firstly, the paper quickly fades under the influence of sunlight. AND,…