
They definitely won't stick together. The cook explained that in addition to salt, you should always add it to the water when cooking dumplings – Nutrition

For many people, dumplings are a dish for when there is no time to cook, but you need to feed your family something. This product is also loved by bachelors who are not used to spending a lot of time at the stove, reports with reference to

However, sometimes dumplings stick together during cooking, which negatively affects the visual appeal of the contents of the plate. Cook Svetlana Zakharchenkova explained how to avoid such trouble.

She advised adding not only salt, but also a tablespoon of vegetable oil while cooking dumplings. This should be done immediately after the water in the pan has boiled.

Next, you need to place the dumplings in it, and then run a slotted spoon along the bottom of the pan so that the meat balls in the dough do not stick to the bottom of the container.

The expert emphasizes that cooking time depends on the size of the product and on average…

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