Christmas in Kyiv will be dry
No precipitation is expected in the capital.
There will be no precipitation in Kyiv for Christmas / photo UNIAN, Victor Kovalchuk
Christmas in Kyiv will be dry, cloudy and cool. This is evidenced by UNIAN weather data.
During the day the temperature in the capital will be around 0°. The day will be cloudy, but brief sunny spells are still possible. No precipitation.
The wind will be north, its speed will increase to 7-12 m/s. Atmospheric pressure will rise to normal and even higher, 758-762 millimeters of mercury.
It will be cloudy in Lviv on Wednesday. At night -2°, during the day 0°.
It will be cloudy in Lutsk, -3° at night, +1° during the day.
In Rivne tomorrow it will be slightly cloudy, -3° at night, 0° during the day.
In Ternopil on December 24 it will be -1° at night, ° during the day, slightly cloudy.
In Khmelnitsky during the day it will be cloudy with clearings, at night -1°, in the daytime 0°.
It will be cloudy in Ivano-Frankivsk, +1° at night,…