January 2025 – monthly weather forecast from Ukrgidromoettsentr – UNIAN
Precipitation will be within normal limits, but temperatures will be higher than usual.
January 2025 in Ukraine will be warmer than usual. The Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center reports this.
According to the forecast, the average air temperature for the month is expected to be 0°…-3° below zero, and in Transcarpathia, Crimea, Odessa and Kherson regions it will be 0°…+2°. This, according to the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, is 1.5-2 degrees above normal.
As for precipitation, 32-79 mm will fall in January, which is within the climatic norm.
Until the end of the year, significant changes in weather conditions in Ukraine should not be expected. This was reported by forecaster of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center Natalya Ptukha in a commentary on Weather UNIAN.
According to her, on December 25, local precipitation in the form of light…