
Why sauerkraut soured and became soft: cooking secrets

In order for sauerkraut to turn out tasty, you need to follow simple rules.

Sauerkraut is a tasty and healthy product, but it is important to follow certain rules for its preparation. If the cabbage has become soft, slippery or sour, this indicates a violation of the fermentation technology.

Let's consider the causes of such problems and ways to avoid them

1. Little salt

The first reason is a lack of salt, which causes the cabbage to release very little juice in which it ferments. It does not have enough liquid to ferment well.
Cooks advise adding 24-30 g of salt per 1 kg of cabbage, this will be enough for perfectly crispy and tasty cabbage.

2. Lots of carrots and sugar

Excess sugar and carrots make the cabbage soft. If you still want to add carrots, it must be taken of late varieties and in the proportion of 300-400 g of carrots per 10 kilograms of cabbage.


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