
How to use a bottle to return socks to their original linen — Miscellaneous

Savvy housewives are constantly coming up with ways to make their housework easier.

This useful method was invented to quickly return white and light socks to their original color. Because sometimes even expensive detergents and stain removers cannot cope with this task.

How to use a bottle to return socks to their original linen

White socks get dirty very quickly, and with the help of a bottle you can easily wash off stubborn dirt on light-colored fabric. Most often, the area of ​​the toes and heels gets dirty, the machine cannot always cope with this, and hand washing is quite a difficult task, especially when there is no time and there are a lot of socks.

So, just pull a sock over the bottle and then go over it with a soft, soapy brush, paying close attention to the dirtiest areas. IN…

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