It was used by Inca warriors. This vegetable improves potency and treats prostatitis – rich in potassium, iodine and iron – Health
This vegetable resembles a small radish, and its dried root has been known since ancient times as a unique aphrodisiac for both sexes. It was also used Inca warriorsto increase energy, physical strength and make it easier to survive in the harsh conditions of a mountain climate. It's about Maca reports with reference to
Olga Danilyuk, herbalist, doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences, spoke about the beneficial properties of maca. According to the doctor, maca contains large amounts of potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, selenium and iodine.
“The main active ingredients are the alkaloid macaridine and macamides – fatty acids. Studies have found that taking maca significantly improves men's libido, erection and quality of sexual life. The frequency of premature ejaculation is reduced. Increasing…