
A Simple Exercise That Eliminates Indigestion – Health

Gastroenterologist Dilyara Lebedeva spoke about a breathing technique called “Nauli”, which eliminates constipation, indigestion, hyperacidity and bloating, reports with reference to the “Championship”.

First you need to sit on your knees. The feet and heels should be apart and the big toes should be touching. You need to keep your back straight. The palms should be placed on the thighs just above the knees, with the fingers pointing inward.

Then you need to arch your back, straighten your arms, and take a deep breath.

Draw in your stomach so as to empty your lungs as much as possible as you exhale. Start sticking your stomach out, then pull it back in.

Dilyara Lebedeva emphasizes that you need to perform the exercise quickly, in the number of repetitions – as long as holding your breath allows.

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