
Can you stand it when you want to go to the toilet? Remember for life – Health

Many people are familiar with the situation when, being away from home or doing important business, they have to postpone a trip to toilet. It may seem like a no-brainer, but regularly enduring the urge to urinate can lead to serious health problems. A doctor, urologist-andrologist, told Gazeta.Ru about this Arthur Bogatyrevreports

According to the specialist, urinary retention is not just an inconvenience, but a serious risk factor for the health of the urinary tract.

“In particular, this risks urinary tract infections (UTIs). Urinary retention creates a favorable environment for bacteria to multiply. The longer urine sits in the bladder, the higher the risk of developing an infection. UTIs can manifest as cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), urethritis (inflammation of the urethra) and other diseases,”…

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