
crispy and not bitter – Snacks

Thanks to pickled onions, the herring gets an expressive and rich taste. Its main difference from fresh is that it is not bitter and does not burn.

10-15 minutes is enough to quickly marinate onions, but the longer the product is marinated, the tastier it will become. The proportions of the marinade are different, but experts say that “1:2:3” is considered ideal, when one part of salt and sugar, two parts of vinegar and three parts of water are taken.


200 g
warm water
150 ml
vinegar 6%
100 g
50 g
50 g
a fraction
1 pc.
2 pcs.
bay leaf
1 pc.

Cooking process:

  1. Peel and chop the onion. It is best to cut into thin half-rings, then the product will marinate perfectly.
  2. Transfer to a deep container where it will marinate. It is desirable that it has a lid.
  3. Heat water, add salt and sugar,…

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