for the back and abdomen — Health
Due to the prevalence of a sedentary lifestyle, many people have spine problems. In Japan, a special method was developed, which not only helps to straighten the back, but also to lose weight in the waist up to -4 cm.
About 10 years ago, a Fukutsuji doctor developed a simple but effective technique that helps to correct the figure and get rid of a flabby stomach, returning the skeleton to its natural position.
For this, you need to spend only 5 minutes a day and not even move, but lie down, but soon the contours of the body will change for the better: the waist will become slimmer, the back will be straighter. When the method was first published, the Japanese doctor's book sold more than 6 million copies. But the whole essence of the technique can be described in a few lines.
Earlier we also talked about what habits make the face look like a “baked apple”.