GUR sniper “minus” the occupier from a distance of more than 2000 meters – UNIAN
The best result of a shot with this caliber was from the British, but he had much easier weather and positional conditions.
The special forces soldier of the GUR “Lector” eliminated the occupier at a distance of 2069 meters. This is a new sniper record.
According to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, a sniper of the active action unit of the Main Intelligence Directorate with the call sign “Lektor” destroyed the Russian occupier with a .338LM caliber bullet.
The confirmed record for this caliber belongs to the British sniper, Corporal Craig Harrison of the Royal Blues and Royals. In November 2009, during the war in Afghanistan, he successfully hit two Taliban fighters at a distance of 2,475 meters and also damaged their machine gun.
Harrison shot prone, was in a significantly higher position…