Never Do This If You Think You're Having a Heart Attack – Health
Heart attack occurs unexpectedly and it is worth recognizing the warning symptoms in time. In this condition, it is necessary to avoid mistakes that can only aggravate the situation. This was reported by RBC-Ukraine (Styler project) with reference to The Mirror website, reports.
What not to do
There is a theory on the Internet that if you start coughing in short, sharp bursts, it can save your life during a heart attack.
However, Dr. Karan Rajan said that this method is dangerous. If you think you are having a heart attack, you may only make the situation worse. There are some cases where this technique can be useful, but a heart attack is not one of them.
Specifically, coughing can stimulate the vagus nerve, lowering blood pressure and slowing the heart rate. This may be useful for…