Oleksandra Zaritska declassified where producer Nikitin is now: photo
The performer spoke about cooperation with the producer.
Soloist of the band KAZKA Oleksandr Zaritsky spoke about her producer Yuri Nikitin.
The stars have been working in this creative tandem since 2017. However, recently, rumors about their termination of cooperation spread on the Internet. So Zaritska put all the dots above the “i”. She admitted that she still remains on good terms with the producer and works with him on projects. However, their communication is hindered by only one thing – time. According to the singer, during the war he lives abroad and they have a big time difference.
“Nikitin does not live in Ukraine. We have a very big time difference. But we continue to work,” said the KAZKA soloist in an interview with “Closer to the Stars”.
It should be noted that together with Yuri Nikitin, his entire family lives in the USA…