Ostapchuk's wife surprised how her first childbirth went: photo
Kateryna appeared in the maternity ward and talked about her impressions.
The wife of a Ukrainian presenter Volodymyr Ostapchukblogger and businesswoman Catherine for the first time since birth of a son got in touch.
In her photo blog, the presenter's wife said that she is feeling well now. The blogger is most pleased with the opportunity to sleep at night as she pleases, because there are no longer any difficulties with her pregnant belly.
“I will sleep on my back! Not on my left or right side, like the last six months, but on my back! God, thank you!”, the showman's wife shared, laughing.
The exhausted blogger also briefly noted that the birth went so well that “she would do it again.” And she promised to tell more later, when she has had enough rest.
Let's note, Kateryna…