
People over 40 years old should drink this drink every day – two cups a day is enough. Reduces blood pressure and increases “good” cholesterol – Health

Nutritionist Anastasia Kornilova talked about the beneficial properties cocoa. Drink rich in unique antioxidants that lower blood pressure, help get rid of inflammation and increase the level of good cholesterol, reports with reference to

Cocoa contains a lot of polyphenols and flavonoids, which makes the drink an excellent means of preventing cardiovascular diseases. In addition, cocoa is good for the brain, improves mood and helps overcome the blues, since it contains the substance tryptophan.

The drink has a unique antibacterial effect.

Consuming it helps control weight, despite the fact that it is high in calories. The fact is that cocoa promotes active fat oxidation and reduces appetite.

The drink is useful at any age, but people over 40 years old should include it in their…

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