
Ruslan Khanumak returned to Ukraine and turned his son against Alina Shamanska: photo

The scandalous showman did return from the USA to Ukraine.

Ukrainian blogger Alina Shamanska hinted that there are serious troubles in her personal life at the moment.

The celebrity made it clear that the problems began after the return of her ex-husband, an actor Ruslan Hanumak to Ukraine. In particular, the ex-convict turned his 7-year-old son against her. Artur spent four days with his father, after which he and his mother were supposed to go on vacation to the west of Ukraine. However, when Shamanska met her son, he simply refused to go with her. Moreover, the blogger says that she did not recognize Artur at all. According to Shamanska, her son had a completely different behavior, and he spoke in memorized phrases.

“My son was brought, but I didn't see my son. Glassy eyes, empty gaze, emotionlessness, memorized phrases and even a different voice, different body coordination. I feel very…

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