
The Armed Forces said whether they will mobilize after basic military training

Preparation can help Ukraine in case of future aggression.

Starting in 2025, all men between the ages of 18 and 25 must complete basic military training. However, its passage is not accompanied by mobilization.

The chairman of the Council of Reservists of the Ground Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces stated this on the air of the telethon.

Tymochko noted that the more educated the population in the country has the ability to hold weapons or will potentially fight, the less likely it is that they will actually fight. After all, the enemy also looks at a nation, a country that is able or unable to defend itself.

“This is about the general education of the population. It first of all removes stereotypes. It obliges local self-government bodies to contribute and cooperate,” added the head of the Council of Reservists.

Such participation in training gives a person the opportunity to choose the time when a person wants to pass…

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