The number of energy drinks you can drink per day has been revealed – Health
Gastroenterologist at the Center for Molecular Diagnostics CMD FBUN Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor Sofia Kardashova told Gazeta.Ru how much energy drinks are safe to drink per day, reports.
“It is permissible to consume no more than 250 ml of energy drink per day. In addition, under no circumstances should you combine energy drinks and physical activity, as this puts a huge strain on the heart. Also, you should not drink them with coffee, green or black tea – due to excess caffeine, this can also lead to heart problems. You should also not drink them during pregnancy and lactation. And it is important to remember that after the energy drink wears off, you need to get some sleep. The energy drink depletes one’s own energy reserves rather than bringing additional strength,” said the doctor.
So, a week you can consume no more than two or three…