
the occupier fought with the drone with a grenade, but “minus” his comrade (video) – UNIAN

The invader threw the grenade into the shelter of his comrade.

The Russian military man was frightened by the Ukrainian drone and fought it off with a grenade, throwing it into a shelter where another Russian was hiding.

This was reported by the 63rd separate mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine – “Steel Lions”, publishing a video “Friendly Fire”.

“This Muscovite received gold in the Friendly Fire of the Year category,” the brigade notes.

The report says that the Russian occupier was so afraid of a Ukrainian drone that was flying over the enemy position. that he decided to throw a grenade at him. “But in addition to the congenital stupidity, this bastard also has arms growing out of his ass, so the grenade hit the parapet and flew into the shelter of his “compatriot,” the brigade notes

It is noted that they observed this…

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