
The situation in Syria – what is known about the fall of the Assad regime and what is the world's reaction — TSN Exclusive

The West is concerned about the vacuum created by Bashar al-Assad's shameful escape with his family to Russia, but hopes for stability and peace in the region. In the meantime, the United States has already managed to strike ISIS positions, and Israeli aircraft have hit military targets of the Syrian regime and entered the buffer demilitarized zone. The UN Security Council will soon meet to discuss the situation with Damascus.

This is discussed in Oksana Tkachenko's story.

What is the situation in Syria?

Less than a day has passed since Assad's escape to Moscow – machine guns can still be heard in the center of Damascus, but Monday morning in the Syrian capital begins with traffic jams and hopes for a new life without a dictatorship.

The opposition, which managed to liberate the territories, is gradually finding evidence of the bloody crimes of the previous government. Near Damascus, a secret…

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