This product takes cholesterol under control right in the intestines – it envelops and removes. 100 grams contains the entire daily requirement of fiber – Health
This product – one of the few that have practically no expiration date. It can be found in any store at an affordable price, and it has enormous benefits for the body, says a general practitioner. Elena reports with reference to
We are talking about peas. Its value lies in the fact that just 100 grams contains the entire daily requirement of indigestible coarse dietary fiber (fiber). In the intestines, these fibers envelop “bad” cholesterol, toxins, and carcinogens and remove them from the body, preventing them from being absorbed into the bloodstream.
In addition, peas contain approximately 3 daily amounts of silicon, which is extremely useful for the elasticity of blood vessels. In terms of silicon content, peas are superior to chickpeas and lentils.
When choosing peas, make sure that they are dry and free of mold and debris. The product is stored in a tightly closed jar in…