
were passed down from generation to generation — Various

Folk signs are a centuries-old experience of our people. We can use them even today. What are the folk omens for the beginning of winter that indicate the harvest and future weather?

According to the beliefs of our ancestors, nature itself helps us understand what the weather will be like and whether we can expect a big harvest next season.

If snow in Decemberand lies flat on the ground, the next year promises a rich harvest, because the land under such a blanket will “rest” well, “gain strength” and accumulate enough moisture to produce good seedlings in the spring.

When December is frosty, but with little snowsuch a sign is not good for the future harvest. Frozen ground, which is not protected by a layer of snow, will not be able to “rest” and get enough moisture.

If snow melts too often in Decemberthis may mean that winter will be protracted, spring will be late. In ancient times, it was believed that…

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