What indoor flowers not only clean the air, but also strengthen the immune system – Miscellaneous
There are indoor plants that should be in every home, because they release substances that improve the health of the human body.
We tell you which indoor plants have useful substances that protect against viral diseases and the influence of pathogenic microorganisms.
Which indoor flowers not only clean the air, but also strengthen the immune system
- Sansevieria or “mother-in-law's tongue”. Few people know, but sansevieria helps clean the air and saturate it with biologically active substances that strengthen immunity. And these indoor flowers clean the air of toxins, so you can not be afraid for its freshness and purity if there is a sansevieria in the house.
- Lemon has a phytoncide property. It contains essential oils useful for the body. Therefore, an ordinary lemon perfectly cleans the air from harmful bacteria, strengthens immunity and improves work…