where they cannot be stored in the house — Tsikavynky
Many people dream of getting rich. Someone works hard for it, someone hopes for talent. However, it is also worth listening to folk wisdom. After all, even our ancestors knew where money should not be kept, so that it was kept in the house.
Our ancestors believed that in order not to drive money out of the house and invite the poor to their place, it is not necessary to store not only large bills, but also small coins in certain places. What are these places:
- glass jars — such a habit is very harmful to the family budget, and all because in such containers bills lie crumpled and out of order, and money likes order. If you store them chaotically, it accumulates negative energy. Also, the glass does not allow air to enter the banknotes, which leads to the blocking of the cash flow and the stagnation of finances;
- near the door — our ancestors insisted that keeping money near the front door is bad…