
which products cannot be stored in foil — Miscellaneous

It turns out that not all products can be stored in foil. They lose their appetizing appearance and can even become dangerous for health.

Foil is used all the time in the kitchen. Especially when you need to wrap the leftovers of food or dishes to store them in the refrigerator. However, it can be noticed that some of them remain unappetizing and unattractive after such storage.

What products cannot be stored in foil

First of all, experts do not recommend storing in foil any products that contain acid. And we are talking not only about tomatoes or citrus fruits, but also about dishes that contain vinegar. The acid interacts with the material, exchanging its molecules with it, causing the food you store in this way to completely change the taste.

Also, during the storage process, you can notice that on the dish or products in which…

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