who and how discredits the work of TCC – UNIAN
There are no people at the front. That's a fact. But no one discredits mobilization and the work of TCC and joint venture, as initiative, but not reasonable people in shape.
Yesterday Merezh was shocked by a video of an incident from Kiev-Vishgorod. At this point, the “alert team”, which consists of TCC police officers and representatives of the national police, is trying to squeeze the side of the car, and the policeman is pulling a gas canister and sawing it into the car’s interior. Further, representatives of the TCC are firing on the borrower's sums. And in the video it is important not to mention that the situation with the shooting of a person in a car actually made one of the participants in the action laugh.
After the announcement, the Ministry of Defense stated that “everything related to this incident will be brought to the attention of the legislation of Ukraine.”
And the Kiev region police reported that they were upset…