who celebrates Angel's Day, greetings in verse and prose – Various
December 31, 2024 – what is the day of the angel and how to congratulate on the birthday – read in the article.
Who celebrates the day of the angel on December 31
Happy birthday on December 31, 2024 Mykhailo, Petra, Melania.
Mykhailo — of ancient Hebrew origin, means “who is like God.” In childhood, an exemplary child with whom there are no problems. In adulthood, he becomes a good leader.
Peter — an ancient Greek name, translated as “rock”. As a child, he is pleasant in communication, has many friends. In adulthood, he can be greedy, but at the same time gentle.
Melania – ancient Greek roots, interpreted as “dark”. In childhood, he has a sharp, inquisitive mind. In adulthood, he becomes an attentive interlocutor, a wonderful friend.
Angel's Day, December 31 – heartfelt greetings in prose
I congratulate you on the day…