Why soak meat in a salt solution: advice from cooks – Miscellaneous
Such a useful trick from experts will turn even the simplest meat dish into a culinary masterpiece.
As Ukr.Media writes, professional chefs always soak meat in a salt solution with spices so that it is indescribably tender, tasty and juicy.
For soaking in a salt solution, you can take any meat – pork, beef, lamb, chicken or turkey. Then it can be baked, grilled or stewed. This simple trick works wonders, even an ordinary chicken breast will have the most tender texture and perfect taste.
And the matter here is salt. During soaking in a salt solution, the meat changes its structure, so it retains a sufficient amount of water. Thus, during cooking, moisture does not evaporate, but remains inside, due to which the meat becomes juicy and tender.
How to properly soak meat?…