
Why were walls made of glass blocks in the USSR – Different

Seeing a wall made of glass blocks, most of us immediately remember the times of the USSR. At that time, this architectural element was very popular.

In the Soviet Union, they looked for any opportunity to save money. It was for this purpose that walls made of glass blocks were used, which helped to save on electricity. This is exactly what every average citizen of the USSR needed. And glass blocks could withstand quite significant temperature drops and at the same time retain heat.

It is interesting that the Soviet authorities even “enjoyed” the citizens with a certain diversity. In those days, walls made of glass blocks were made with a corrugated or smooth surface, and also in three shades: green, yellow and blue.

However, like most things in the USSR, glass blocks were not invented in the Soviet Union. Such walls were created by the American James Pennyquick, who received a patent for them in the second half of the 19th century….

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