
Why you can't break eggs with a knife. Remember once and for all – Lifestyle

Many are accustomed to breaking an egg with a knife, but, according to experts, this is not the best way, reports with reference to

In addition, you should avoid breaking the egg directly into the pan. Why this is important is explained by Glavred with reference to TSN.

Using a knife to crack eggs is not recommended because a sharp blade can leave tiny pieces of shell in the egg whites that are difficult to see.

In addition, the knife can transfer harmful microorganisms to the surface of the egg.

Another common mistake is breaking an egg on the edge of a frying pan or other utensil. It's safest to do this on a flat surface, such as a table.

Also, do not immediately pour the egg into a frying pan or cooking utensil.

First, it is better to break it into a separate container to ensure its freshness.

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